Welcome to Wellspring Investment Solution Enterprises (WISE)
WISE financial group is a boutique private wealth business established by our principal financial adviser with over 20 years of experience in providing financial advice. This includes both local and non-resident investors.
Welcome to Wellspring Investment Solution Enterprises (WISE)
WISE financial group is a boutique private wealth business established by our principal financial adviser with over 20 years of experience in providing financial advice. This includes both local and non-resident investors.

Our Team
Our team of specialists have multi-lingual capabilities and are well equipped in assisting in all aspects of your financial affairs.
As a client, you can be assured that our approach to wealth management will be a refreshing experience.
Our experienced and multi-lingual technical team will navigate you through complex financial vehicles with relative ease. We differentiate ourselves through our personalised service and acute understanding of cultural sensitivities.
One of our key objectives is to provide tailor-made solutions that mirror our clients’ lifestyle choices while optimising outcomes in relation to returns, tax savings etc.
We are well aware of the financial opportunities and challenges that clients encounter at various life stages. Our unrushed time with you ensures that your objectives are met and the financial legacy that you intend to leave will be catered for.
Our experience includes individuals, trusts, private companies and self-managed super fund (SMSF) structures.

David Teoh - Director
David is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) and he has built a career in providing financial services over the last 20 years. He holds a Bachelor of Business (Banking & Finance) degree and Advance Diploma in Financial Planning. He is also a voting member of the Financial Planning Association and a treasurer/ board member of 4 organisations in Australia.
David has worked in the field of financial services his entire career, spending time working for as an Independent financial adviser (IFA) & Westpac Premium banking adviser before commencing his own private practice in 2019.
During his time as a Westpac premium banking adviser, the high quality of David’s work has been recognised via numerous national excellence awards he achieved over 11 consecutive years.
When you work with David, you can expect a thorough understanding of investment markets, legal structures, taxation, superannuation and estate planning.
With his vast knowledge in financial matters, David’s ability to explain complex financial situations will give you the peace of mind and certainty you have been looking for. You can be sure your goals are on track and your wealth is being managed according to your different life stages.
David and his wife Olivia have three children: Jasmine, Ashleigh & Riley.
He believes strongly in giving back and is currently sponsoring children through local and overseas charitable organisations.
Away from the office, David enjoys tennis, travel, movies and volunteers for non-profit organisations, community and overseas medical missions.

- Certified Financial Planner ( Kaplan Australia ) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Certified_Financial_Planner
- Advance Diploma in Financial Planning (Deakin University & Kaplan Professional Education
- Bachelor of Business – Banking & Finance (QUT)
- Voting Member, Financial Planning Association (FPA)
- Board Member, treasurer of:
- Multicultural Community Centre https://mccbrisbane.org/
- Asian Pacific Institute https://www.diverciticentre.com.au/about
- International City Church https://iccbrisbane.org/
- Diverciti Enterprises Pty Ltd (social enterprise cleaning services) http://www.divercitiservices.com.au/
What We Do
Financial planning advisory & services, including:

Wherever you are in your financial journey, our personalised solutions will ensure that your short and long term financial goals are achieved. We have assisted working professionals, high net worth (HNW) individuals, migrant & non-resident investors or retirees who desire financial security during their retirement.
How we can help you
Most investors have a specific goal(s) in mind e.g. saving for retirement, paying off their home loan, to fund their holidays, children’s education or just to combat future inflation risk. These goals can help you determine what investment time frame is required eg. short (1 – 3 years), medium (3- 5 years) or long term (>5 years).
Areas we discuss and work through with each client:
- Goals exploration and time frames
- Investment structures (superannuation, company, trust)
- Investment vehicles (deposit products, property trusts, insurance bonds, managed funds, listed shares / Exchange
- Traded Funds (ETF) / Listed Investment Companies (LIC) as well as platforms to house your global investments)
- Asset classes education (International, Australian, property, fixed interest and cash)
- Economic principles (cycles of expansion, prosperity, contractions and recession)
- Inflation/ debt
- Investment principles (risk vs returns), coping with volatility, liquidity, diversification, dollar cost averaging and borrowing to invest
- Investment risks and exposures
- What to do with investment income
- Tax on investment income/ earnings: implications for residents/ non-residents
- Capital gains tax (CGT)
- How to ensure your retirement income can meet your lifestyle needs, with the awareness of longevity risk. (maintain your standard of living taking in account your longevity)
Insurance is a crucial part of a comprehensive life plan as it provides financial protection against risks such as the inability to generate income, any medical costs or loss of property.
Types of insurance: general, private health, personal and business.
In order to minimise financial risk that could affect you or your family, the wise strategy is to transfer these risks to an insurer.
Personal insurance cover provides: Term Life, Total & Permanent Disability (TPD), Trauma (Living, Critical illness or Recovery insurance) and Income protection (or salary continuance) insurance.
Business insurance provides cover to business owners to protect their business operations and cash flow, key person and buy/sell insurance policies.
Clients have a choice of starting to plan for the next generation with our specialised family financial planning strategies.
There may be people or causes that you wish to look after when one passes on, estate planning will ensure peace of mind regardless of your age or how your financial position.
Our Process
Create a more secure future with a four- step process

Your Advisers will get to know you and your world
Your adviser will discuss your life, finances and future to help you understand:
– What’s important to you and your family?
– Where are you now?
– What are your most urgent needs?
– What would you like to achieve in the future?
– What’s your current investment experience and attitude

Explore your options
Your adviser will assess your situation and investigate options that may be appropriate for you.
Create a plan for you to consider
There are quite a few financial advice strategies that your adviser could present to you. Yours will be tailored to help you achieve your goals and objectives.

Put your plan into action
The idea is to make it as easy for you as possible, including:
– set up new investments or transfer existing ones
– roll over your superannuation accounts
– extablish regular investment or superannuation contributions
– establish insurance policies.
Keep you informed
Getting your plan up and running may take some time, depending on the complexity of your situation. Your adviser will make sure you know how the process is going.

Help keep you on track
Your adviser can provide you with ongoing adviser which gives you confidence that your plan can change with you.
Regularly review your plan
Depending on your ongoing advice service, you might want to meet with your adviser once or twice a year to review your plan based on changes to your situation and the markets.

Suite 8/3 Clunies Ross Court
Eight Mile Plains QLD 4113 Australia
- info@wisefinancialgroup.com.au
- +61 7 3103 0268
- + 61 431 126 839
- David Teoh Linkedin
Wellspring Investment Solution Enterprises Pty Ltd T/As WISE Financial Group CAR No 1276944 and
David Teoh AR No 1006107 are Authorised Representative of Insight Investment Services Pty Ltd
ABN 22 122 230 835 | AFSL 309996
© 2020 Wise Financial Group. All rights reserved | Daniel Sim Design